What is Aviva's Method?

This method was discovered by Aviva Gabriella Steiner. Moving the adequate muscles we can harmonize our hormone system. These muscles are: the muscles of the lower abdomen, the gluteus and the perineal. The exercises increase blood flow around the reproductive organs, so they recieve more hormones, vitamins and oxygen. Hormone production will return to age-appropriate levels, which will then be maintened through a feedback mechanism connected to the pituitary gland.

How can I learn the Method?

Although the practices can be found in the books "Aviva method" it is important to find a qualified instructor, because every single person has to practise in a different way due their problems and aims.

The method was recognized and accepted by

International Patent Office

National Council for Research and Developement, Tel- Aviv, Israel

UN Word Health Organization (WHO, Geneva, Switzerland)

Population Crisis Committee, Washington


Functions of the Method
For women
  • adjusting the cycles, reducing its lengths, the pain and the PMS symptoms

  • amanorrhea

  • increasing fertility

  • helps in case of frigidity

  • after abortion it strengthens the womb

  • alleviating the symptoms of menopause

  • reducing weight when being overweighted is caused by hormones

  • eliminating galactorrhea

  • it has good effects if one has cyst or myoma

  • it has a strengthening effect

  • the exercises for pregnant women strengthen the spine, the pelvic, the vagina

For men
  • the Method helps in case of male dysfunctions, as:

  • prostata problems

  • slow metabolism

  • erectile dísfunction

  • it increases the energy level of the sperms

  • it has an average strenghtening effect


Aviva's Method consists of the following exercises:

The Simple Method (18 exercises)

Although the practices can be found in the books "Aviva method" it is important to find a qualified instructor, because every single person has to practise in a different way due their problems and aims. Do these exercises twice a week (30 minutes).


The Short Method

If you are short of time, you can do the exercises of the Short Method (15 minutes).


The Panic Exercise

If you do not have time you can do this short, but effective exercise. 


The Contracting Exercise that can be performed anytime, anywhere

If you can not do the other exercises, you still can practise this one.


Ovulation Exercises

If you wish to have a baby, but the Simple Method did not help you (and you have practised regularly for at least half year) then you can do these exercises and the Simple Method's exercises too.


Prenatal exercises

These exercises were developed by Judit Puni, the student of Aviva Gabriella Steiner.These exercises are easy ones, facilitate the pregnancy, prepare the women's body for the childbirth, open the chest and the ribs, so breathing is getting easier. 


Postnatal exercises

These exercises were also developed by Judit Puni, the student of Aviva Gabriella Steiner.  These exercises regenerate the mother"s body.


Exercises for Incontinence

Incontinence can be a problem for anyone, anytime. The causes can be childbirth, weight gain, surgeries, pelvic surgery, after menopause due to low estrogen levels, etc. Precention is very important! Exercising the pelvic muscles is useful.


Men's Exercises

Aviva Gabriella Steiner realised, that her exercises are also effective for men. The Simple Method helps for men too, so do the Men's Exercises.  When a couple is wishing to have a baby, men also should exercise.

Men can do their exercises once or twice a week, for 25-30 minutes. They also can do a few exercises at a time, then a bit later a few more. They can built exercising into their daily activities.